Sustainable Internet Routing with SCION

With today’s widespread Internet usage, the total electricity consumption of its infrastructure (networks and data centres, but not consumer devices) is significant, namely around 500 TWh per year or 2.5% of worldwide electricity consumption. Moreover, as Internet traffic volume is steadily growing, this energy consumption could experience an eight-fold increase by 2030. Since electricity production

New Network Zoning Architecture

Network zoning has long been recognized as the cornerstone of secure network operation and management, which logically partitions network and information assets into disjoint segments depending on their security requirements and policies. Today, most enterprise networks have built a multi-layered hierarchy realized with thousands of network zones to minimize the attack surface and protect assets

Linking Protocol and Code Verification

The formal verification of entire software systems is one of the grand challenges of computer science. Recently, researchers from Prof. David Basin’s and Prof. Peter Müller’s groups have made significant progress on this challenge. In a paper at this year’s Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications conference (OOPSLA’20), they propose a new approach, dubbed Igloo,

New Results on Anonymous Symmetric-Key Communication

Prof. Ueli Maurer and his PhD student Fabio Banfi , both part of Information Security and Cryptography research group at the ETH Institute of Theoretical Computer Science published a very interesting paper that was presented at this year’s Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN 2020). It deals with the anonymity of probabilistic encryption (pE) and probabilistic authenticated encryption

SCION Tutorial at SIGCOMM 2020

At this year’s SIGCOMM conference, the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication, Prof. Adrian Perrig, Dr. Markus Legner, and  Juan A. García-Pardo from the Network Security Group  and Prof. David Hausheer from the  Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg hosted a tutorial on the next-generation Internet architecture SCION. Participants learned about revolutionary properties and