ZISC Workshop: Big Data Security and Privacy
From 8.45 until 19.00
At ETH Zürich, Alumni Pavillon
Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich
“Big Data” has emerged as an exciting topic in academia and industry. It deals with the collection of large and complex data sets and the analysis of these data sets for relationships. Due to the connected nature of our daily lives, almost any service we use records our actions and our data. Users are both data providers but also reap the benefits at the receiving end with customized, cheaper, more accurate services.
As the amount of data, its incoming rates, and complex analytics frameworks evolve, questions related to user’s privacy and security gain importance. Is individual privacy a concern or should larger groups of users be the privacy subjects? Can conventional solutions be adapted to big data to protect privacy? How are current privacy mechanisms broken and how can we fix them? As regulations typically lag behind technology, what is their status with respect to big data and privacy? And finally, can developers adopt sophisticated mechanisms proposed in the scientific literature?
The Zurich Information Security and Privacy Center (ZISC) organizes a one-day workshop that focuses on these important questions around big data security and privacy. The format of the workshop includes 7 invited speakers each giving 45-minutes presentations on a related topic. The program is planned to cover topics such as differential and statistical privacy, cryptography, privacy in machine learning, genomic and location privacy, attacks on large datasets, and regulatory and industry perspectives.
For more information, please visit this page.