Strengthening the Security of Switzerland: Cyber Security and Data Science Research at the CYD Campus

Wed 23Oct2024

From 16:00 until 18:30

At ETHZ CAB Building

CYD Fellowships is a talent program for cyber security research launched by the Cyber-Defence Campus (CYD Campus) and EPFL. It includes master thesis, doctoral, and distinguished post-doctoral fellowships, as well as a proof-of-concept fellowship. As part of the event, the Cyber-Defence Campus will introduce the fellowship program and former and current students of the programs will give insights into their projects and their experience with the fellowship program. After the presentations, participants are cordially invited to an apéro that allows interested students and researchers to get in contact with representatives of the CYD and/or students and researchers in the fellowship program.

This year's CYD Fellowship event will take place at the computer science department of ETH Zurich on Wednesday, October 23rd 2024 at 16:00 in FoodLab, CAB building (ETH Zentrum).

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