Stefan Moser & Stefan Keller, Open Systems AG
From 12.00 until 13.30
At ETH Zurich, CNB/F/110
Universitätstrasse 6, 8092 Zurich
Open Systems is an independent Swiss IT security provider based in Zurich, which has recently become a proud member organisation of ZISC. With its operation centres in Zurich and Sydney, Open Systems monitors and secures network infrastructure and business-critical applications for over 100 enterprises and NGOs in 180 countries. On roughly 4’000 devices, we provide services such as routers, firewalls, VPN gateways, web proxies and more. The majority of these systems are directly connected to the Internet through hundreds of ISPs of every conceivable nature.
In this talk, we will present how we are engineering and operating these services, but our foremost goal is to engage with researchers at ZISC about the potential this global deployment has for applied, security related research. The cumulation of all devices can be considered as a large, geographically rich sensor network representing a statistically significant picture of the Internet, both on and off the major “arteries". Different kinds of data can be collected, correlated and analysed, such as anomalies in SSL/TLS certificates, globally performed vulnerability scans, client anomaly detection and much more. We will present a few results of past endeavours in this direction, but again the ulterior motive of the presentation is to jumpstart the discussion and collaboration with researchers at ZISC.