Online Seminar – ProtectIOn: Root-of-Trust for IO in Compromised Platforms

Abstract: Security and safety-critical remote applications such as e-voting, online banking, industrial control systems and medical devices rely upon user interaction that is typically performed through web applications. Trusted path to such remote systems is critical in the presence of an attacker that controls the user’s computer. Such an attacker can observe and modify any

Snappy: Fast On-chain Payments with Practical Collaterals

Abstract: Permissionless blockchains offer many advantagesbut also have significant limitations including high latency. Thisprevents their use in important scenarios such as retail payments,where merchants should approve payments fast. Prior works haveattempted to mitigate this problem by moving transactions off thechain. However, such Layer-2 solutions have their own problems:payment channels require a separate deposit towards eachmerchant

LIAM: An Architectural Framework for Decentralized IoT Networks

Abstract: Today’s IoT deployments commonly resemble walled gardens: they are closed ecosystems in which manufacturers maintain significant control over devices after they have been deployed. This is typically the result of a centralized design approach where devices heavily rely on a monolithic, vendoroperated cloud service. We propose a distributed architecture that liberates these devices—and their

DECO: Liberating Web Data Using Decentralized Oracles for TLS

Abstract: Thanks to the widespread deployment of TLS, users can accessprivate data over channels with end-to-end confidentiality andintegrity. What they cannot do, however, is prove to third parties theprovenance of such data, i.e., that it genuinely came from aparticular website. Existing approaches either introduce undesirabletrust assumptions or require server-side modifications.As a result, the value of

Taming Complexity of Messaging to understand its Security

Abstract: Modern messaging protocols are highly complex as they are composed of multiple different cryptographic primitives. In order to understand the underlying security requirements, security guarantees, and mechanisms, this talk disassembles messaging into its components. The main focus will be ratcheting as a modern building block that provides security even if secrets from the communicating