When Cryptocurrency Meets Network Security: The layers, the attacks, and the defenses

Fri 07Jun2024

Dr. Muoi Tran

From 11:00 until 12:30

At CAB H 52 (Seminar) + CNB/F/110 (Lunch) , ETH Zurich

CAB H 52 (Seminar) + CNB/F/110 (Lunch), ETH Zurich


With blockchain technology at its core, cryptocurrencies have captured widespread attention both in academic research and beyond in recent years. As these systems oversee increasing stakes, reaching into the billions of US dollars, they have become attractive attack targets. Notably, several attacks have focused on their network layer, which crucially provides the communication foundation for innovations in the consensus or blockchain application layers.

Join us in CAB H 52 (Seminar) + CNB/F/110 (Lunch).

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